General Information

This is the official registration form for every athlete who attends to join the FINALREP SPORTS LEAGUE (FSL), operated by FinalRep. The purpose of this League is to create and maintain a frame for a drug-free sport in Streetlifting.
Registration process: This survey collects all of an athlete’s personal data that is required to ensure the organization and implementation of doping tests. With the complete transmission of the requested data, a legally binding application for the FSL takes place. The final registration takes place through the confirmation of FinalRep after a final check of the data for completeness.
Requested data and completeness of registration: The application for the FSL consists of two parts: a Registration form and a Personal Information Sheet as a PDF document. Each athlete must complete and sign this document as part of his registration and attach it to this survey in the form of a PDF document.
>> Athlete Notification Form download template <<
Important legal notes:
  1. The registration for the FINALREP SPORTS LEAGUE is a prerequisite for obtaining a starting place at the FinalRep EUROS 24.
  2. The following legal conditions apply to the FINALREP SPORTS LEAGUE: FinalRep Anti-Doping Regulations & FSL GTC.
  3. All further information on the FINALREP SPORTS LEAGUE and WADA information is available at our FSL webpage.

Registration Form

Please fill out the following form completely and truthfully.

* To verify the correctness of these information, the passport must be presented on the first day of the competition

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