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The Next Level

With our FinalRep Streetlifting Competitions, we have set new standards in the past years. With the FinalRep WORLDS 23 we have reached a worldwide engagement that we have never seen before in this young sport. This was the starting signal for the next chapter. 

With the FinalRep Worldwide competition structure, we introduce a new dimension to this sport.
From now on it shall be possible for everyone around the globe to compete in a professional streetlifting competition. 
Our vision with this is to establish professional structures into the Streetlifting sport on a global scale. This is realized through partnerships with numerous competition organizers all over the world, to whom we pass on our know-how, our event structures, our marketing presence and our network.

On this page we will present to you the competition structure itself, the qualification process for athletes and a snapshot of the requirements we have for competition partners.

Organizational Chart

Here you have the organizational chart of the FinalRep Streetlifting global competition structure. This structure is designed to fulfill two purposes: 

  1. Identify the world’s best athletes and bring them together in a final competition
  2. Providing professional Streetlifting competitions to as many people as possible 

To cover them we have designed this system to have different levels of event types with different requirements in terms of effort and quality. The higher the level, the higher the requirements to event hosts and the more internationally oriented this competition is.

Furthermore, the overall competition structure is designed to enable every athlete to compete in an official Qualifier event in order to qualify for the annual Top-Competition. Here we aim to guarantee that every athlete can perform under very similar conditions. 

Qualification Process

With the competition structure shown above including all quality requirements we give to the competition hosts we make it possible for every athlete all over the world to perform under very similar conditions.

Only then we get comparable results. These results we then use to provide an official ranking list on which the selection for the annual top event will be made

The Athletes Journey

The journey of an athlete on its road to our annual top event looks as follows

1 – Registration to an official FinalRep Qualifier Event

The selection of athletes will be made based on their given totals.

2 – Competing at the Qualifier Event

The total being reached here will be documented in our official qualification list. Everyone can view this list and check out the ranking for each weight class.

3 – Registration to the annual Top-Event

Everyone who has competed in an official Qualifier can apply here. The selection will be made based on the realized athletes totals at the Qualifiers.

4 – Competing at the annual Top-Event

Selection Criteria and Mechanisms

In order to have a well balanced and transparent selection process, we have decided to go for the following criteria and mechanisms:

  1. The roaster: At each competition there will be 8 starting positions in each weight class. If it appears that in some weight classes are less than 8 applicants, other weight classes will be stacked up in order to match the overall starter threshold.

  2. Selection of the starters: at the Qualifier competitions the roster will be stacked based on the totals given by the athletes themselves within the registration process. At the annual Top-Event the totals from the athletes performances at an official qualifier competition are the basis of selection.

  3. Restrictions on starting positions 

    1. Qualifier competitions: Each weight class offers 2 starting positions to international athletes. All other starting positions are assigned to national athletes. Athletes who are not able to qualify for the top competition can compete but won’t appear in the qualification ranking.
    2. Top-Event: The Winners of each Pro Qualifier are directly qualified. All other athletes qualify per ranking. Only 2 starters per nation per weight class (nation is defined by the palace of residence).
  4. Other restrictions: in order to appear in the qualification ranking you pay the FinalRep membership upfront to the Qualifier competition. In order to compete at the Top-Event you have to agree to the terms of the off-season testing (you will be added to the official testing pool).

  5. Wildcards: In order to promote the sport and maintain national diversity, we reserve the right to invite exceptional athletes who have not had the chance to participate in a qualifier (for exceptional cases).

Distinction between Event-Types

To be more precise on the differentiation between the event types shown in the organizational chart above, here is a list of their most important characteristics. First, here comes an overview of the distinction between Pro, Open and Nation as professional streetlifting competitions:

  1. Quality: Pro, Open and National are professional Streetlifting competitions with high quality standards

  2. Qualification: Only Pro and Open are official qualifying events for the annual Top-Event. Nationals are competitions that do not rank as qualification events for a Top-Event

  3. Limitations: Per country there can only be either one Open or one National competition each per year. Pro Qualifiers will only be 1-3 per qualification cycle. 

Pro Qualifiers have even higher quality requirements the competition host has to fulfill. In This includes: 

  1. Financing winners: Covering the starters fee for all winners of his competition at the annual Top-Event

  2. On site drug-testing: Covering all costs for on site drug-testing at his event

In return to this, all winners of this competition are automatically qualified for the annual Top-Event

The lowest level in our competition structure are Regionals. Regionals are meant to be low-level and low-effort competitions. Regionals therefore have a minimal stack of quality standards. Their purpose is to offer Streetlifting competitions on a comparable basis to a wider range of athletes. Regionals can take place an unlimited number of times per year in each country. This level is under construction in 2024 and will probably launch in 2025.

Partnership Requirements

While there are specific quality requirements too – that will be laid out on the FinalRep Franchise web page [coming soon] – here are the general requirements we have to a host in terms of a competition partnership:

Our Vision for a competition partnerships is to create structures that allow this sport to develop and thrive in its most natural way. Our Values we are operating on are: 1) trust and reliability; 2) openness and transparent communication; 3) fairness and respect.

Event Calendar

  1. Qualifiers will take place within the first and second quarter of every year. The qualification period have to be completed until the end of June in order to guarantee an appropriate preparation cycle to each athlete competing at the annual top event 

  2. The annual top event(s) will take place in the fourth quarter of the year

  3. There will be semi-annually intervals of World Championships and Continental Championships

    • 2024 – European Championship (only)
    • 2025 – World Championship
    • 2026 – Continental Championships (several)* 
    • 2027 – World Championship

* depending on the amount of Qualifiers at this continent for the previous World Championship 

The overall FinalRep Competition System

This worldwide competition structure we have laid out here is just one part of the entire system that we provide in order to get this sport on a professional and popular level. Here you have a snapshot of all components of the overall FinalRep competition system:

Information on all other components will follow soon!

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