FinalRep has started with the development of its own rulebook for Streetlifting competitions. We continuously progressed with better execution and wider attention in the Streetlifting community. Today we maintain a worldwide competition system We offer organizers all around the globe to join our competition structure by adapting our rules and quality requirements. With each collaboration we share our digital infrastructure, our knowledge, brand and marketing platform as well as our network of judges, volunteers, media partners and sponsors – according to the level of engagement. By this we hope to provide guidance to everyone who intends to create solid and sustainable structures for the Streetlifting sport – as we do it.
On this page you will find a snapshot of the most relevant information regarding a collaboration on FinalRep Competitions. For a better understanding on specific elements, follow the links below:
„Our goal with this collaboration system is to establish professional structures into the Streetlifting sport on a global scale. Only then we have the leverage to get this sport on a professional and popular level.“
This being said, the basics of our collaborations are:
Every sport grows from the passion that connects the people living it. We see this connection as our basis for collaborations. Starting with the collaboration on one event, we aim to establish long term partnership for solid and sustainable structures on a local level too.
With our competition system we provide an encompassing structure to the streetlifting sport. The regulations and requirements we set, are aligned with the goal of growing the Streetlifting sport on a global scale.
„The purpose of our quality requirements is to have a framework for comparable standards at each level of competition.“
For each layer of competition with regards to our competition structure, there are separate quality requirements to fulfill. For each level we therefore provide a separate checklist with quality requirements for Organizers. Depending on the competition level, there are different requirements. The following table contains a list of our quality requirements sections and why they matter:
Compliance with the rules and proper execution is key for a comparable and therefore professional sport. Proper execution also contains appropriate training which we provide with our FinalRep judging license
Our competition software provides each competition with the same blueprint of structure in terms of competition management and execution.
A suitable location is the precondition for a good event experience for everyone attending. A close connection to a strength sport specific gym is very beneficial
High quality sport equipment is crucial for a professional sport competitions and a good athletes experience.
The engine that runs your event are the people in your team. Having the right people in the right position is the backbone of your event.
The creation of good photo and video content is the basis for a successful marketing. For a global access to your competition experience we recommend to provide a livestream too.
The full responsibility for the execution of a competition lies with the Operator. FinalRep acts as a consultant and competition software provider for collaborative events.
The operator of the event has the following responsibilities
The operator of the event has the following responsibilities