Become a Legend!

It’s on again. Here we are with the 3rd FinalRep Streetlifting World Championship – bigger and stronger than ever before!

This event will bring the worlds best streetlifting athletes together to compete on the highest level.

First time ever, this competition is backed by a series of Qualifier competitions all around the world. With no doubt, we will witness the best of the best competing here!

A day to remember. 

Date: 04.-05.10.2025

Location: SWH Arena, Nietlebener Straße 16, 06126 Halle (Saale), Germany

Detailed Information

The selection criteria for WORLDS 25 starting position

  1. Only the TOP athletes of each weight class get a starting position
  2. Only athletes with a valid total from an official WORLDS 25 Qualifier are taken into account
  3. Starting places per nation are limited to 2 per weight class

You can view your results in the ranking in our App soon

Application period: TBA

Payment period: TBA

Athletes fee: TBA

Additional registration requirements: in order to participate in this competition, all athletes have to sign up to a FSL Membership (FINALREP SPORTS LEAGUE). By joining the FSL, every athletes gets added to a doping-test pool. More information at the FSL-website

More information about the FSL registration process follow here soon.

Competition days: TBA

Competition time: TBA

Coach accreditation

  • Coaches have to register for an official coach accreditation to get access to the athletes areas.
  • Every athlete is allowed to have one coach accredited
  • Coach accreditation are personalized and can not be passed on
  • Coaches have to submit their registration up to 14 days prior to the competition
  • Registration for coach accreditation will be made via this form: [LINK WILL BE GIVEN HERE IN TIME]

Ticket information for athletes and coaches

  • Every competing athlete has a weekend ticket included for himself
  • Everyone, except staff, partners and competing athletes have to buy a visitors ticket (including coaches)
  • Ticket information are given below

Event Terms and Conditions for Athletes: By registering for this competition every athlete accepts the Event Terms and Conditions for Athletes (ETCA) laid out by the organizer within the registration process. The valid ETCA can be viewed here.

About the Weigh-in Process: MORE INFO FOLLOW IN TIME

Everyone visiting this event has to buy a visitors ticket. Exceptions are: staff, partners and competing athletes.

Ticket price: TBA

Ticket availability: TBA

Payment options: TBA

Procedure for online-purchase: TBA

Legal note: Spectator tickets are not name-bound and can be passed on. Each spectator ticket is only valid once. 

Parking facilities: TBA

Long-distance public transportation: TBA

Short-distance public transportation: TBA

Food and drinks: TBA

Live Results: are available via the FinalRep App – more information below

Ticketing: ticket information given above

If there are any important information missing to you, please contact us so that we can complete this list.

Our own demand is to create an outstanding sport competition experience onsite and online. Therefore, the entire competition will be streamed on YouTube. On our YouTube channel you will find one link for each competition day.

Access for Press representatives: Press representatives have free admission to the event. They must register their attendance up to 7 days before the start of the event directly with the organizer by sending an email to The organizer will then issue a name-bound press pass and hand it over at the entrance.

Access for media teams and representatives


The FinalRep App is our digital event platform. This software enables us and other event organizers to map the entire registration process for athletes, to digitize the entry of athlete values and the judging of attempts and to make this data freely available live to every user for inspection.

Join now:

Everybody who attends our event accepts our legal terms and conditions to create video and foto content for commercial and marketing purposes. The Event Terms and Conditions for Visitors (ETCV) can be viewed here: [LINK COMING SOON]

WORLDS 25 Sponsors

Maybe you?!

Do you want to become WORLDS 25 sponsor?

Reach out to us via e-mail following this link

Reviews from WORLDS 23

Qualifier's Map

In order to qualify for the WORLDS 25, successful participation in an official FinalRep Qualifier is required.
Here is our map of all official Qualifier competitions.

In order to qualify for the WORLDS 25, successful participation in an official FinalRep Qualifier is required.
A list of all official Qualifier competitions is given in at our Event Calendar website:

Interested in organizing your own FinalRep Event?

If yes, please fill in the following contact form and write us an e-mail to to make sure, we have received your information. We then arrange a joint call about a possible collaboration.

More information about the requirements and conditions are give at our COLLABORATION WEBSITE

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