After the success of the FinalRep BeNeLux Open 2024, a new project has grown: Belgian Streetlifting Championships!
This competition offers all Belgian athletes the opportunity to qualify for WORLDS 25 and make their mark in the Belgian Streetlifting sport.
Date: 07.-08.06.2025
Location: De Loods, Douaneplein 4
2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Note: this is an official FinalRep WORLDS 25 Qualifier competition. More infos about WORLDS 25
For external media teams, a media pass needs to be purchased to get access to make professional footage which needs to be shared with the organisation.
Our own demand is to share the full event experience as good as possible on a digital level as well.
Streaming at Blastworkz on twitch
The FinalRep App is our digital event platform. Here the entire event is projected on the digital level including athletes registrations, event documentation and live results.
Everybody who attends our event accepts our legal terms and conditions to create video and foto content for commercial and marketing purposes.